- What are some of the benefits of career counseling?
In a career counseling relationship, you may learn to better understand your abilities, interests, personalitiy and values to develop more options for yourself.
You may participate in interesting exploratory activities between meetings and better understand the world of work through information and resources on occupations. You may also improve your decision making skills as you create your unique plans to achieve your career and life goals.
Other benefits of career counseling include strengthening your relationships with other people, balancing your personal and professional lives, and healing the stresses of job mis-match, job loss, and career-transition. In addition you may learn new job search strategies and skills.
- How can career counseling help me?
Career counseling can help you make decisions about the direction you want your career or your life to take. You owe it to yourself to find a career or life situation that gives you satisfaction and joy!
People change careers four to seven times, on average. Career counseling and coaching can teach you a proces that you can use for the rest of your life. To discuss your unique situation, please contact Malka at Career Awakenings. (I'll get back to you, usually within two business days.)
- How does Career Awakenings work (hours, fees, etc.)?
Malka counsels people during 50 minute meetings in person (Career Awakenings has offices in Baltimore and in Towson, MD) or by phone (everywhere). Appointments are scheduled to accomodate your convenience and Career Awakenings' availability.
Payment is accepted at the end of each meeting, and you are free to terminate service when you are satisfied. Malka "gives homework" between meetings and works at your pace, so you can use your meeting times efficiently. Please contact Malka at Career Awakenings to discuss your unique situation.
- What types of assessments does Career Awakenings give?
Assessments given by Career Awakenings include the Strong Interest Inventory, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator I and II, and the California Psychological Inventory (by CPP), the CAPS, COPS, COPES trio (by EDITS), the Self Directed Search (by PAR), the Values Driven Work card sort (by NOVA), and more.
The goal of these assessments is to help you find more satisfying work, and these assessments are based on, in some cases, over fifty years of research. But answering only a few questions wrong may give inaccurate results. So Career Awakenings recommends taking more than one assessment. If two or more assessments show a similar outcome, you can be sure that your results are valid.
Remember that these assessments are based on general groups and generalities. Don't let them make you forget that you are special and your situation is unique. Malka will interpret these assessments in the context of your unique situation.
- What ethical guidelines does Career Awakenings follow?
Career Awakenings follows the counseling guidelines of the American Counseling Association. These guidelines insure that, among other things, you are treated with respect, and your confidentiality is protected
What questions do you have?
Contact Career Awakenings and ask them!